Wow! We have been busy. Everyone around me is busy. This is CRAZY! But fun!
Taralynn and Kory came to visit! Their flight was THREE hours LATE...and they don't serve free pretzels or soda, but when they got here we had a blast! It went way too fast and was very fun! Of course, food and shopping were on the list of things to do. They helped me buy some new BEDS since a few days before they arrived we found bed bugs in the boys beds! BED BUGS ARE NOT FUN! We saw the Broadway Show Mama Mia at Gammage! High energy and cute! Kory's first Broadway show! Taralynn even tried a few different restaurants from her standard favorites. Kory enjoyed them all! We were on the Jumbotrom at the D-backs and watched them WIN! We played games with family - always entertaining. I think they were able to relax, visit with people they don't see often and enjoy the wonderful weather we had last week. We only wish they could have stayed longer...
We took family pictures! Oh, why do we try?! We will always remember Amy's high school graduation - rain (and cold) in May 2008...and our 2011 family pictures - rain in May. Whatever!
But the rain never lasts long! Here's Scott's favorite!
I love my family! |
Knowing that we can be together FOREVER
makes me so happy!
thanks Tami for being our photographer! |
We are now to the last week of school and GRADUATION! Time is flying by and I'm holding on! I wish it would all slow down. I enjoy my kids older but would love to go back to the days of when they were young....
Scott is almost out of here! HE CAN'T WAIT! |
We had a triple "missionary farewell" in our ward last week. Scott's friends are beginning to leave to serve and it is exciting and crazy all at the same time. Scott will leave for Provo in less than a month. OH MY! He is so ready to be out of here, but I'm sure he will miss us! I know I will miss him! Scott has done so great in school and will continue, I'm sure. He does have a list of adventures also and is looking forward to the beautiful places of Utah and Idaho. I am excited for him to have time away from home to prepare for his mission. We have seminary graduation on Wednesday and Mt. View graduation on Thursday.
My Mom, my sisters and I had a fun baby shower for Lynette yesterday. I love being with my sisters and wish we had more occasions to be together. Lynette is going to be a fabulous mom to a beautiful baby girl - in July! Can't wait! It was great being with her Mom and aunt and many ward and school friends. I learned something new about Lynette. When she was little she wanted to be a Super Model! Who would have guessed! I also learned that my brother believes his soon-to-be daughter will grow up to be "just like her Mom." I hope she does! Lynette is amazing and Scott is lucky to have her!
John Standage! He is so cute! |
We are in the final stages of Youth Conference preparation. Amy is going to go as a young adult counselor. It will be a very fun time for all. Jason and Scott will be here at home. Scott is having some surgery and Jason will take care of him...Scott tells us he will have his bell ready!
Amy is finished teaching today! She will have a little more time on her hands. Hopefully she will fill it. I know one of the things that will fill her time will be more running - as we get closer to that marathon!
Jason received an award last night for having 4.0 this year. He also received a trophy for having that grade point average all three years of Jr. High. I know he can continue this pattern in high school if he puts his mind to it. Jason is dedicated to practicing basketball everyday. When he puts his mind to something, Jason can accomplish anything. A word of advice - if you have your boys in piano lessons and they want to quit, don't let them! Jason is remembering his lessons of long ago, trying to teach himself to play a song or two. I'm actually surprised at what he does remember and have no doubt that he will learn these songs with some time and practice. We only wish now that he stayed in piano lessons a little bit longer...
That's all for today. I have great friends, neighbors and family! I love life. I enjoy good things everyday. So many blessings, so many things to learn...