Monday, March 7, 2011

Do all blog posts need titles?

I am not very creative and thinking of a title for my updates is hard.  So really, this is just another weekly update from me - nothing fancy, nothing too thought provoking, just what we are up to around here...

Poston's first track meet was quite successful for JASON.  He took first in the high jump (5'5) and their relay team (4 by 400) also took first place.  Jason ran the second leg of this race and ran STRONG!  He was awesome!  Poston won with no problem.  It's going to be a fun season watching Jason and his friends on the track team!  Amy loved the meet - has great memories of Poston track.  Grandpa came as soon as scouts was over, just in time for the start of the relay (last event of the meet).  He has changed his scouts to a different day to come and cheer Jason (and Poston) each week!

Spring break next week - takes us to IDAHO to visit TARALYNN and KORY!  We can't wait!  Yes, skiing will be in the schedule as well as shopping, visiting friends, eating and playing games.  We hope to find Taralynn a spring wreath for her door as well as fill the pantry with good food!  We will also see family in Utah.  Amber is coming from San Diego, Marya from Qtar, and Heidi from North Carolina ALL to Utah when we will be there!  Good timing.  Mel will also join the family affair!

SCOTT has ONE more quarter of high school.  That is CRAZY!  He wishes we were going to Hawaii for  Spring Break, but Utah and Idaho are his second choice!  He has had so many snowboarding days this year!  We won't even think about the spring break in Utah when he broke his leg...

AMY has just a little over a month left of college!  That is CRAZIEST!  She is looking forward to visiting friends in Provo almost as much as she is looking forward to fun family times together!

JAY bruised some ribs playing church ball.  He really may have to let the younger ones play!  It was an intense game and they pulled off a fabulous WIN!  The next night they played the singles ward, were ahead the ENTIRE game until the final 1:40 (when it counts) and lost by a basket.  It was a very disappointing loss!

I walked 13.1 miles!  We did a practice walk for our Stake Young Women SEEK 13 Challenge.  The girls will walk/run in a couple weeks!  The challenge also included 13 Personal Progress experiences, memorizing the 13 Articles of Faith and 13 Conference talks read.  It has been fun for the past 13 weeks to visit with young women on how they are doing.  Most are looking forward to the challenge of walking 13.1 miles to end the SEEK 13 Challenge.

Life is GREAT at our house.  I am almost finished reading President Monson's biography.  I must say it has been  most inspiring to me.  He is an amazing man, so Christlike.  I have learned many things that I am trying to apply to my own life.  I think the most important one to me is to listen and hear the spirit directing me and doing what is required.  Not always easy...

Pictures of Spring Break next week!  Enjoy the beautiful weather and whatever you do!


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