Tuesday, March 29, 2011

a quick update

FIRST!  Amy took her last exam and had her exit interview for her internship TODAY.  In other words...AMY IS DONE WITH COLLEGE!  She officially graduates April 22.  Currently she is planning on NOT being in Utah for the graduation.  CONGRATS to AMY!  She will continue helping out in the schools where she has interned and look for more work (and school) opportunities in the future!

Scott is one the countdown to graduation too!  Only 9 more weeks of high school for him.  Scott is busy - with school, work, church, friends, life.  He is currently starting a business with two friends building skateboard ramps.  They are working hard.  He has registered for classes at BYU for summer!  It is mind boggling to think how soon he will leave us.  Scott is a temple guard in the Easter Pageant!  Look for him!

Jason is busy with school, track, church, friends, life.  He still cheers his Suns on but they have had a few heartbreaking games.  He plays basketball with friends when he finds time and is one of Pilot's servants in the Easter Pageant!  Look for him!

Taralynn enlisted Jay's help this week - to help with a baby shower she is planning!  She was re-writing words to "These are a few of my favorite things" with "little girl things" and knew that her Dad was good at rhymes and songs!  He helped and it is so cute!  Her sister in law is expecting a girl after two very busy boys!  Taralynn never complains (I guess she has nothing to complain about!) and is happy whenever I talk to her.  Kory works a lot and hard.  He's good to her.

Jay is Thomas in the Easter Pageant!  Look for him!  He is enjoying the experience so far and have I ever told you - I love Jay!

We gave 160 medals out on Saturday at our SEEK 13 Challenge Walk.  Young women and leaders walked/ran 13.1 miles!  There was an excitment in the air that was fun as well as rewarding.  It was a GREAT day!  The girls were proud, as they should be.  The weather was perfect (a "young women miracle") and I have not heard any negatives yet!  

I accepted a long term sub job - a month in Kindergarten!  Can you think of anything funner?!  I start tomorrow!  

It will be a busy month with teaching, Easter Pageant, young women, family, life.  How lucky I am!

Hope all is well at your house!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break Memories!

We enjoyed another GREAT spring break.  When Jay and I were in college, vacation time was an important part.  It continues to be as we raise our kids.  We want them to enjoy memories that will help them in life and we love making those memories with them!  

Highlights...pictures...and words...

(I stayed awake for the entire movie!)

WE VISITED IDAHO!  Taralynn and Kory's home is still as beautiful as ever.  We loved the additions in decor since our last visit (especially Kory's framed world map).  It is comfortable and they are great hosts!

SKIING, for the boys!  They skied at Targee, Snowbasin, Solitude and the Canyons.  (Kory just got to ski one day.  He wasn't  on vacation!)  They connected with friends at each place--Ben, Paige, Quinn, the Stewarts, the Arnetts and Dan

TIME TOGETHER, SHOPPING, FOOD, for the girls  I love spending time with my girls.  We visited friends and cousins, shopped for things we needed...and didn't need, and enjoyed time together.  We saw the Carl Bloc art exhibit at BYU(and are ready to travel to Denmark!).  Here's Amy and some of her friends (she has many more!)...fun lunch in Provo...at one of Taralynn's favorites...California Pizza Kitchen!  We enjoyed dinner in Rexburg with some more friends and I forgot to take a picture!  Bummer!

TEMPLE!  We try to include the temple in as many family vacations as possible.  It is a great tradition.  This time we did baptisms in the Idaho Falls temple.  We walked Temple Square after seeing the Joseph Smith movie.   I've learned that some of the things we did as a family when the kids were small, the kids have forgotten...so we are doing them again (like a tour of the Beehive House)!  I must say, that visiting local DI stores also is becoming a tradition of family vacations.  Jay found some "new" skis and the boys each purchased a shirt!

FAMILY, FAMILY and more FAMILY!  It doesn't get much better than family.  We enjoyed a delicious dinner, complete with angel food cake, prepared by Amber,  Kati and Adrianna for Marki's (and Marya's) birthday!  We got spoiled by Amber's Marriott rates and enjoyed soaking our feet in the hot tub after a day of shopping! We were entertained and amazed by Alex!  We celebrated a new job for John!  Marya was in the country!  So many good times.  Thanks Baxter family for everything!

If there is something to climb on...Scott does!
Timing the perfect shot is sometimes hard!

This picture will always make me smile!  Boys will be boys!

 LAUGHS, QUARRELS, CRY and then GOOD BYE!  Like any typical family (I hope) there was much laughter, a few sibling quarrels (let's just say Scott packed a ping pong ball!), only once did I cry (only Taralynn knows why!) and then we had to say good bye - to Provo and friends, to snow filled mountains, to extended family and to Taralynn and Kory  (The elevator picture by Scott...they were waving before the doors closed!)
Timing is everything...!

Hopefully these pictures and words somehow relay to you the great time we had together.
Family is central to Heavenly Father's plan.   I believe time together strengthens us in more ways than we know.  I love the line in the Joseph Smith movie when Joseph is describing his upbringing.  He says,
"We were taught to trust in the Lord and take care of each other."  I truly hope my children have been taught this too!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Do all blog posts need titles?

I am not very creative and thinking of a title for my updates is hard.  So really, this is just another weekly update from me - nothing fancy, nothing too thought provoking, just what we are up to around here...

Poston's first track meet was quite successful for JASON.  He took first in the high jump (5'5) and their relay team (4 by 400) also took first place.  Jason ran the second leg of this race and ran STRONG!  He was awesome!  Poston won with no problem.  It's going to be a fun season watching Jason and his friends on the track team!  Amy loved the meet - has great memories of Poston track.  Grandpa came as soon as scouts was over, just in time for the start of the relay (last event of the meet).  He has changed his scouts to a different day to come and cheer Jason (and Poston) each week!

Spring break next week - takes us to IDAHO to visit TARALYNN and KORY!  We can't wait!  Yes, skiing will be in the schedule as well as shopping, visiting friends, eating and playing games.  We hope to find Taralynn a spring wreath for her door as well as fill the pantry with good food!  We will also see family in Utah.  Amber is coming from San Diego, Marya from Qtar, and Heidi from North Carolina ALL to Utah when we will be there!  Good timing.  Mel will also join the family affair!

SCOTT has ONE more quarter of high school.  That is CRAZY!  He wishes we were going to Hawaii for  Spring Break, but Utah and Idaho are his second choice!  He has had so many snowboarding days this year!  We won't even think about the spring break in Utah when he broke his leg...

AMY has just a little over a month left of college!  That is CRAZIEST!  She is looking forward to visiting friends in Provo almost as much as she is looking forward to fun family times together!

JAY bruised some ribs playing church ball.  He really may have to let the younger ones play!  It was an intense game and they pulled off a fabulous WIN!  The next night they played the singles ward, were ahead the ENTIRE game until the final 1:40 (when it counts) and lost by a basket.  It was a very disappointing loss!

I walked 13.1 miles!  We did a practice walk for our Stake Young Women SEEK 13 Challenge.  The girls will walk/run in a couple weeks!  The challenge also included 13 Personal Progress experiences, memorizing the 13 Articles of Faith and 13 Conference talks read.  It has been fun for the past 13 weeks to visit with young women on how they are doing.  Most are looking forward to the challenge of walking 13.1 miles to end the SEEK 13 Challenge.

Life is GREAT at our house.  I am almost finished reading President Monson's biography.  I must say it has been  most inspiring to me.  He is an amazing man, so Christlike.  I have learned many things that I am trying to apply to my own life.  I think the most important one to me is to listen and hear the spirit directing me and doing what is required.  Not always easy...

Pictures of Spring Break next week!  Enjoy the beautiful weather and whatever you do!
