(with limited candles, there is a system to these. Kind of like the roman numeral system though instead it was the Jay system)
The week after Mel's birthday is mine. I was going to opt out of the cake this year, but Jason volunteered to make it so I couldn't resist!
(Jason's first cake attempt was MUCH better than mine! GREAT job Jason! We got to frost our own get more frosting that way! Lori's favorite!)
A quick update for you...
A pageant apostle in the making...doesn't the beard look apostle-like?! It's fun! I can imagine he will look much younger in a couple months when he shaves it. For now, we like it! We are happy to be able to be in the Mesa Arizona Temple Easter Pageant this year. I have wonderful memories of participating as a youth and then with Taralynn one year when she was a teenager. There is something good about hearing the story of Jesus' life at Easter time and something amazing at hearing it over and over at Easter time. He lived a perfect life and His mission was for each of us. I am truly grateful for the knowledge I have of Him and the love I have for my Savior.
I love Jay! He has played some church ball this season. He continues to work hard and serve well. He is a great father and husband. We are looking forward to spring break together as a family.
SCOTT got yet another acceptance to college...BYU! And the decisions continue. When I asked him what he thought he would do he gave me his normal Scott shrug. The next day, Amy informed me that his facebook status indicated that "he was Provo bound for the summer and then to somewhere where there was snow in fall and winter." That was helpful! Scott and friends sold another half-pipe and are looking into making a quarter pipe to sell next. Scott amazes me and Jay with his entrepreneur-ness. Scott got a job at DI. He works a couple days a week. Comes home tired. Nothing wrong with that! His senior-itis continues...and my realization that he is leaving me sooner than I want to admit makes me sad.

Amy escaped the camera at the birthday celebrations, as did Sam and Liesl for some reason, who were there celebrating with us. Amy is doing great! Have I told you I love having a daughter home?! She had her formal evaluation for her internship and got very high marks! (of course) She enjoys what she is doing and is not quite sure what the future holds for her, though graduation time is coming soon! Speed dating is popular among young adults these days. She has had her share lately. A few "real dates" have come from them too! Some of Amy's friends are coming home from missions. It is a fun time. Amy looks forward to Jason's track meets and visiting Provo for spring break!
Taralynn and Kory enjoyed family at a cabin in Pine Basin for the weekend. LOTS of snow, games, food and fun. You can learn more about what they are up to on Taralynn's blog. Taralynn is home alone this weekend as Kory has gone to St. George to golf with friends...though the weather was not looking so golf-worthy and I haven't heard if any golfing was actually done. We haven't taken advantage of skype as much as we should, but I hope to be better about that soon.
I had a great birthday. I tried to let the day pass quietly by taking a sub job (kindergarten wouldn't have been too quiet I suppose, but it would have been fun), but it got cancelled at the last minute. So I got to enjoy lunch with friends and visiting with Mom and Dad. I enjoyed talking to my terrific sisters and brothers too. That night we went out with the other Allens to dinner and the first ASU baseball game of the season! It was fun!
Amy woke up (on my birthday) to me washing dishes with a few tears in my eyes. I was remembering so many birthdays - I can't remember one not like this - when Grandma Webb would call and tell me about the blizzard in Wyoming the day Bunny was born. Bunny, my Mom's sister, and I share a birthday. Her formal name was Lorian, though she was seldom called that. I was named Lori Ann after her (thanks Mom!). I love my namesake even though I have yet to meet her face to face. That afternoon, I visited Mom and Dad. Mom gave me some of Bunny's things including her senior picture. I went home and was looking through the cedar chest and found a letter written to me, from Grandma, on my birthday several years ago - telling me about that blizzard in Wyoming. I am grateful for the many letters Grandma Webb wrote to me over the years. I miss her.
Spot is home from his mission! He looks great! It was nice spending the day with family today in honor of his return. I loved that he shared so much with us. I am grateful for a good family who love and care for one another. Life is good.
Taralynn and Kory enjoyed family at a cabin in Pine Basin for the weekend. LOTS of snow, games, food and fun. You can learn more about what they are up to on Taralynn's blog. Taralynn is home alone this weekend as Kory has gone to St. George to golf with friends...though the weather was not looking so golf-worthy and I haven't heard if any golfing was actually done. We haven't taken advantage of skype as much as we should, but I hope to be better about that soon.
I had a great birthday. I tried to let the day pass quietly by taking a sub job (kindergarten wouldn't have been too quiet I suppose, but it would have been fun), but it got cancelled at the last minute. So I got to enjoy lunch with friends and visiting with Mom and Dad. I enjoyed talking to my terrific sisters and brothers too. That night we went out with the other Allens to dinner and the first ASU baseball game of the season! It was fun!
Amy woke up (on my birthday) to me washing dishes with a few tears in my eyes. I was remembering so many birthdays - I can't remember one not like this - when Grandma Webb would call and tell me about the blizzard in Wyoming the day Bunny was born. Bunny, my Mom's sister, and I share a birthday. Her formal name was Lorian, though she was seldom called that. I was named Lori Ann after her (thanks Mom!). I love my namesake even though I have yet to meet her face to face. That afternoon, I visited Mom and Dad. Mom gave me some of Bunny's things including her senior picture. I went home and was looking through the cedar chest and found a letter written to me, from Grandma, on my birthday several years ago - telling me about that blizzard in Wyoming. I am grateful for the many letters Grandma Webb wrote to me over the years. I miss her.
Spot is home from his mission! He looks great! It was nice spending the day with family today in honor of his return. I loved that he shared so much with us. I am grateful for a good family who love and care for one another. Life is good.
P.S. I hope to change my blogging habits and post once a week. Look for it!