Monday, October 31, 2011


The Monday before Halloween Andreasen family members can always be found at Aunt Dawn's house, eating, visiting and carving pumpkins!  In years past the crowd was many in numbers, small in body, with many creative pumpkins carved.  Now, we seem to be fewer in numbers, larger in bodies and few, but creative pumpkins carved!  

THE SMALLEST PERSON in the group, however, ALWAYS GETS THE MOST ATTENTION!  Ellie was the hit of the night, thanks to her good parents for sharing!  

No matter what we always FUN!  We love getting together - though we always miss those who can't make it, some busy close by, others living life farther from Aunt Dawn's house than we would like!  

Families are Forever!  I love mine!

 Happy Halloween to all of you!

with love always,


Friday, October 7, 2011


What best describes this picture...?

Three's a charm?
Three strikes YOU'RE OUT!
Three's a crowd
Two out of three ain't bad...

Three's a charm - kind of, I guess.  This picture was taken at the finish line of my THIRD marathon...

Three strikes you're out!  That's how I feel now.  Three strikes and from here on out,  I'm OUT of the full marathon running...but here's one advertised that YOU might be interested in!  
Coming to Mesa - The Phoenix Marathon!  March 3, 2012 will be a half marathon (13.1 miles)! From 2013 on it will be a FULL marathon - 26.2 miles!  Come join the fun!
Three's a crowd.  Nope!  The more the merrier when it comes to marathon running!  We ran in St. George with 5,700 finishers.  Here's the ones we knew...
Tim Cowley, his first marathon! 4:47:32 - Mike Norberg, his 20th marathon! 4:10:22  - me (!) 4:30:21 and Jay Allen, his 4th marathon! 4:30:20 (yes, take note HE BEAT ME!)
(minus one, Kerry Green, who finished so fast (2:53:35) he already went back to the hotel with his five kids when we came in!) 

Two out of three ain't bad... well, not really.  The goal was to run this marathon with Amy.  She motivated us, she found our training schedule, and she ran with us until she got sick and just couldn't.  Mono is not our friend, but Amy was a GREAT cheerleader!  
Brooklyn Green, Amy, Anika Green and Jason at the finish line!  
other cheerleaders - Melissa Standage, Mel Allen and Marki Baxter!  Great support for the crazy runners!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Things I might have missed...

Well, it's been a great month. Throughout it, I have reflected on blessings...I think if I hadn't had some experiences I wouldn't be so grateful for the little things in life that truly are important.

If I hadn't got to move Scott into his "new" apartment...
I wouldn't have appreciated my BED!
We took Scott back to Utah and moved him into an apartment. I wish I had taken pictures of this place. We walked into his room and the mattress caught our eyes immediately. Can't say I have ever seen such a dirty, disgusting-looking thing. Not sure how old it was, but I tried to be grateful as I helped Scott make his bed. The next day I asked him how his sleep was. When he responded that his mattress kind of stunk, that did it for me. Jay and Scott went to DI and bought a new mattress. Yeah. I know, maybe getting a new mattress doesn't prepare him quite as much for the missionary places he may get to live in, but for me, as his mother, I felt much better leaving him a few days later.

I gotta report that when Jay saw the condition of the apartment, etc. he made the comment that Scott needed to get to know some cute girls so he could ask them to help him clean up the place...NOT!  I immediately informed Scott that he better clean up if he plans on getting to know any cute girls! You know the place was bad when we went to the store and Scott asked if there was something he could buy to make the apartment smell better (candles aren't allowed), then he came "home" and the first thing he did was spray that air freshener!  Then Jay came in and sprayed some more!

It was fun unpacking together, getting to know his roommates a little and getting him settled. I do love this part of college - helping them find places to put things, making sure they have what they need and are ready for classes and spending time with them in their new place is fun. There's always a bit of anxiousness mixed with excitement of the new things coming. Scott has a GREAT roommate, from Mesa and we are grateful that they get to live together!  He is taking some tough classes and working hard to succeed.  I am really proud of him!

I will admit, I miss having Scott around here a lot. There is something missing in our home. I miss having talks with him, his laugh, his stories, his help and having him say before going to bed, "I love you too."

If I hadn't gone to Idaho in August...
I wouldn't have appreciated training for the marathon!
We have just two and a half weeks til we run the marathon! CRAZY! I was really getting to hate those long runs. We ran long in Provo. It was cooler than Arizona, but by the time the 17 1/2 miles was up it was pretty hot there too (and the hills...?!)! In Idaho, in August, I could have run for miles and miles! It was so beautiful and green. It was cool at ALL times of the day. I loved my morning runs.

But I couldn't do that everyday because I had visiting to do! It was SO great spending time with Taralynn and Kory. They are doing great. They BOTH cooked for me! I ate a very large and juicy peach from THEIR tree! Kory made salsa using vegetables from THEIR garden (well, Kory's garden!). We played games on the patio in the middle of the day and at night! We shopped, got pedicures, ate out, went to the movie and the temple, visited family, and even went to Rexburg and saw the new "mini Conference Center" there. AMAZING!

I didn't want to leave Idaho. It was great seeing Taralynn and Kory so happy, so content, and so settled into a good life.  Taralynn reminded me that the weather is not always perfect in Idaho. In fact, on September 1, there was a significant change in the temperature there...Taralynn said, "it's like Idaho knows it's September." Arizona didn't know it was September - still 113 degrees when I got home. But, home is good.

Can you see the wind?
10 basketball courts on one side, a beautiful meeting place on the other.  Carl Bloch paintings on the walls surrounding the Conference Center.  It is an amazing building.  BYU-I is great!  (but, you gotta endure the wind and cold!)

If I hadn't had mono many years ago...
I wouldn't have appreciated just how lousy Amy was feeling...!
Amy hasn't been feeling so good.  I "made" her go to the doctor before I left town.  They thought she'd be fine in a  few days...she wasn't.  She went back to the doctor, got tested for mono (that's a blood test, you know, and my children hate sharing their blood), the test came back negative (?) but the doctors are pretty sure the test was wrong!  So Amy is pretty frustrated with doctors...she has been getting stronger the past couple days though and I think someday she will feel "normal" again.

The real bummer for me is that Amy will not be running the marathon with us.  She was our inspiration in doing this in the first place!  But, Jay and I will do it together and enjoy Amy on the sidelines cheering us on.  I feel so bad that she wasn't able to finish the training to run,  but I have no doubt that Amy will someday run a marathon.

Amy is back at work, enjoying sweet children.  She is always looking for something fun to do and someone fun to do it with her!  It is great having Amy  home with us!  She and Jason are becoming closer by being the only "kids" at home.

If I hadn't gone to Idaho...
I wouldn't have appreciated HOME and my "jobs" here!
I did feel appreciated when I got home, though Amy had done a GREAT job taking care of Jay and Jason, cooking and cleaning (even feeling lousy).   Jason and Jay looked happy and handsome!  I do love being a wife, mother and homemaker.  I enjoy serving people around me and I hope I make life happier for those that associate with me.

and lastly...
If it hadn't been for this storm...

We wouldn't have gotten this...which is so much appreciated!

Weather for Mesa, AZ

93°F | °C
Partly Cloudy

Wind: SW at 9 mph

Humidity: 25%94°73°95°69°99°72°

BELOW 100!  It feels GREAT!

That's all for today.  I love and appreciate life and the people in my life.  Spending time with them is what I live for as I strive to become more like my Savior.  Life's experience is one of learning, growing and appreciating!


Can't Wait til February!

The day I found out that Taralynn and Kory were expecting a baby was truly a fantastic day.  Today I found out that IT'S A BOY! and he is healthy, perfect and "on schedule!"  Modern medicine is truly amazing!  I can hardly wait to HOLD HIM and ROCK HIM and PLAY with HIM!  What will be an even greater joy, I believe, will be to watch his terrific parents LOVE HIM and TEACH HIM!  This is truly a fabulous day!  We love him already! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yes, I am still here...

Dear family,

Well, it has been awhile! Someone asked me if I had taken them off my update list - no, just haven't written any updates!

I'm not sure I can catch up - but I can give you a brief summary of our summer and then hope to be more consistant from here.

I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA! Best news ever! I gotta say, I was very excited when Taralynn and Kory told us. It's a great feeling and I couldn't be happier! Taralynn actually told us when we were in Utah dropping Scott off for summer school. The plan had been for Taralynn and Kory to meet us in Utah and play for a few days, including a trip to Lagoon. With Scott still healing from surgery, we opted out of the Lagoon trip. I was telling Taralynn reasons that we changed our plans and she responded, "that's okay. I don't think they allow pregnant women on many of their rides anyway..." Did I just hear that right?! I had to say it in my mind again...Really? Yes! It was a GREAT announcement. Her due date is FEBRUARY 7.

I had a hard time keeping it a secret from family and friends for a few more weeks until she had been to the doctor - and posted the news on her blog- but we enjoyed an Andreasen get-together with a note under the cookies reading "Kory and Taralynn are expecting a baby!" The cookies finally got eaten and Samantha shared the news with everyone in the house.

Unfortunately Taralynn is not feeling so good. She seems to be nauseous more than she is not. She is unsure of the term "morning sickness" as hers lasts most of the day and night. I feel so sad for her and hope that she improves soon! She did have a couple of good days last week, so maybe...! She has been to the doctor twice and heard the heartbeat! Love it! She is anxious to find out if they are having a boy or girl so she can prepare a fun nursery. But that would require her to feel better too! We'll keep you posted.

From what I hear, Kory is being a great support and kind and helpful husband to his wife who seldom feels good. That cannot be easy! He does the cooking and the shopping when Taralynn isn't up for it. He takes her out when he can talk her into it. He will be as happy as she will be to have her feeling better. He will go on a hunt the end of September and also plans to hunt at least one more time in October with his brothers and Dad.

Amy had a good summer. She enjoyed ten days with her roommate, Abby, from West Virginia. They played on the beaches of Myrtle Beach for a week and then enjoyed family time, including fishing (!) in West Virginia. Yes she caught a fish - we enjoyed the video clip on Abby's facebook! Abby then spent a few days with us in Arizona before she headed back to Provo for work and school. Amy successfully took the GRE and will now look into applying for Grad school, to begin in the Fall of 2012. She is back at work and loves those little ones that refer to her lovingly as "Miss Amy." She turned 21! Jay congratulated her and reminded her that she was now "legal and could vote." Oh wait! She could vote three years ago! Funny Jay. Jay and I are training with Amy to run the St. George Marathon on October 1! CRAZY! It is so hot running in the summer of Arizona! But we are making it and look forward to running together.

Scott successfully completed summer school at BYU! He took golf, sociology and Mission Prep. I think he got As in golf and mission prep and a B in sociology. He came home for a weekend, his birthday weekend! SCOTT is 18! Yep! He can vote - as soon as he gets registered! Scott has always showed interest in politics. It'll be interesting to see him vote. The news from Scott is that he loved Provo so much that he is STAYING IN PROVO for fall semester! Yep. I can't believe it myself, but it's true. It took a little effort, but luckily he knows a guy from Mt. View who decided later to go to Provo too, so he will know one of his five roommates, Jake Jarvis. Should be a fun time! He only has TWO weeks between summer and fall semesters though. He came home and headed up to Strawberry to work for Mel for a week (gotta earn some fun money for school). He will be ORDAINED an ELDER today (June 21) and we will head back to Provo Thursday, August 25, to get him settled in an apartment off campus. His schedule for fall is a little more intense. He may have to study more and play less but I think he will balance out just fine. Hopefully he will make a trip or two to Idaho for the weekend to see Taralynn and Kory - and cousins there too!

Jason is a SOPHOMORE! High school didn't slow him down. He describes it as boring, but I know better. I can't wait until boring is eliminated from his vocabulary! He has some honors classes that will keep him working hard and he is enjoying working out with basketball bound boys. The real season, complete with tryouts, begins November 1. He works hard and is growing! We are enjoying Jason as much as possible! We know they grow up and leave too fast! He is a great boy and we love spending time with him - doing just about anything! Jay took Jason and some friends to Strawberry this weekend to play at Fossil Springs. It was a great boys trip.

Jay is my hero! I can't tell you how much I love him! We celebrated 27 years of marriage on Jason's first day of school! We enjoyed dinner out and relaxing together that afternoon and evening. Then Friday, Jay took me to the temple and we made a last minute decision to go to Strawberry for a quick 24 hours (well, almost 24). We intended to run our 18 miles up there. It ended up that I WALKED 13 and Jay RAN 17.6. It was a beautiful day, but the altitude wasn't my friend (as well as I forgot my running shoes - but luckily borrowed some from Sarah!). Jay works hard and provides for us with no complaints. I am so grateful for his love and support shown in so many ways, always.

Much of the summer was preparing for Girl's Camp. LOTS of work! But it was worth it when we got there! Jay spent the week with us at LoMia and was invaluable helping non-stop! I am enjoying serving the young women of our stake. They are amazing and I love how I feel when I spend time with them. I enjoy serving in the temple. Yesterday I got to spend time with the Costello's grandson, Carter, in the youth center. What a sweet boy! Congratulations to Karen and Morgan! There is nothing sweeter than a temple sealing. I hope to sub this year. No calls yet, but maybe after I get home from Idaho. I'm excited to spend a week with Tarlaynn and Kory after getting Scott settled in Provo.

Life is good. I sometimes forget that and have to stop and remember. It is quiet times in the temple, quiet times reading scriptures, quiet time in prayer, quiet times just thinking and getting out and doing good things for others that brings me back to my senses. I am truly blessed! This update is so incomplete but will suffice for today...



Saturday, June 25, 2011

Who Am I?

I got the splints taken out of my nose (they were HUGE), I drove to Provo with my parents and sister, they helped me move into the dorm (it took 1 hour tops), we played in Provo, I said good bye (well, they did), I started school at BYU,... 

A picture opportunity that Scott could not pass up!

Scott and Monson's room - not a great picture, but the only one they'd let me take!

I try and fix things to please my kids, no matter the cost, no matter the danger...
The basketball net out the dorm window was not acceptable--Cowleys provided, Jay fixed.  
The campus police stopped to look, a little concerned that he might get hurt (he was pretty secure on top of a CAR!) and told Jay that they "don't normally allow people to drive vehicles on the court, but since he was improving the place, they'd let it slide this time."  How kind...!

I love my new grass!  I love colors in my house and out!  I love when the wind stops blowing quite so hard (for a day), getting mail, the song of the day and when my family visits!


I love family time!  Family Traditions!  Visiting Family!  and pictures - even if they don't turn out as perfect as the moment...and I don't like having my children grow up and leave me!
Monson Cowley, Amy, Scott, Taralynn and Kory!

After moving each of our kids into their dorm room we have taken a drive up the canyon to Sundance - for lunch and to enjoy the BEAUTY of this place we are leaving them at!
I love visiting Taralynn and Kory! Their home is beautiful!  And they always seem to like it when we visit!
We always try to see family in Provo and Idaho.  This trip we got to eat dinner with Austin and Monica at one of my favorite Idaho spots Gator Jacks!  Missed seeing Katie and Ashton this time (they were moving into a new place and had Ashton's family visiting) and Nathan (he was busy getting ready to leave for NY!)  Next time!
I love basking in the sun!  Visiting friends in Provo and Idaho (but seldom take pictures)!  Helping my brothers grow up smart and happy, just like me!  Running with my Mom, and being spoiled by my Dad!

I love having a yard! and a garden!
Kory got to mow his lawn for the FIRST TIME this week...
and is very attentive to his garden, trees, plants...and his wife!
I didn't get to go on the trip to Utah.  I was HUSTLING at basketball camp!  Got the Hustle Award...and had a birthday!  (15 years old!!)

I hope your summer is going GREAT!  


Wednesday, June 8, 2011



Congrats to him and to all the ward graduates!  What a great group of youth!  
The day after graduation Scott was looking through a Family History book and found one of Jay's seminary report cards.  His comment, "this sure would have been useful information sooner."  
Let's just say, Scott's attendance in seminary was OUTSTANDING!  I am so proud of him!


Scott's favorite place to eat!  
This is one thing he will miss when you goes away to school!


A graduate from Mt. View High School - the yellow tassel represents a 3.5 GPA or higher!




With Dad, Jason and friends!  
The higher the cliff, the funner the fall!  They had a blast! 

(for pictures of this you can see his facebook) 
He is recovering nicely!  But it hasn't been easy.

Scott has had busy season!  He leaves a week from tomorrow to go to BYU in Provo!  I can't believe it. 
Family is the most important - love them in every season of life!  I'm grateful I have mine for eternity!


Monday, May 30, 2011

Our 2011 Graduates!

 She really got dressed up for graduation, huh?!

 I am so proud to be the mother of these graduates!  
I love my kids!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So much to May!

Wow!  We have been busy.  Everyone around me is busy.  This is CRAZY!  But fun!  

Taralynn and Kory came to visit!  Their flight was THREE hours LATE...and they don't serve free pretzels or soda, but when they got here we had a blast!  It went way too fast and was very fun!  Of course, food and shopping were on the list of things to do.  They helped me buy some new BEDS since a few days before they arrived we found bed bugs in the boys beds!  BED BUGS ARE NOT FUN!  We saw the Broadway Show Mama Mia at Gammage!  High energy and cute!   Kory's first Broadway show!  Taralynn even tried a few different restaurants from her standard favorites.  Kory enjoyed them all!  We were on the Jumbotrom at the D-backs and watched them WIN! We played games with family - always entertaining.  I think they were able to relax, visit with people they don't see often and enjoy the wonderful weather we had last week.  We only wish they could have stayed longer...

We took family pictures!  Oh, why do we try?!  We will always remember Amy's high school graduation - rain (and cold) in May 2008...and our 2011 family pictures - rain in May.  Whatever!  
But the rain never lasts long!  Here's Scott's favorite!

I love my family!

Knowing that we can be together FOREVER 
makes me so happy!

thanks Tami for being our photographer!
We are now to the last week of school and GRADUATION!  Time is flying by and I'm holding on!  I wish it would all slow down.  I enjoy my kids older but would love to go back to the days of when they were young....

Scott is almost out of here!  HE CAN'T WAIT!
We had a triple "missionary farewell" in our ward last week.  Scott's friends are beginning to leave to serve and it is exciting and crazy all at the same time.  Scott will leave for Provo in less than a month.  OH MY!  He is so ready to be out of here, but I'm sure he will miss us!  I know I will miss him! Scott has done so great in school and will continue, I'm sure.  He does have a list of adventures also and is looking forward to the beautiful places of Utah and Idaho.  I am excited for him to have time away from home to prepare for his mission.  We have seminary graduation on Wednesday and Mt. View graduation on Thursday.

My Mom, my sisters and I had a fun baby shower for Lynette yesterday.  I love being with my sisters and wish we had more occasions to be together.  Lynette is going to be a fabulous mom to a beautiful baby girl -  in July!  Can't wait!  It was great being with her Mom and aunt and many ward and school friends.  I learned something new about Lynette.  When she was little she wanted to be a Super Model!  Who would have guessed!  I also learned that my brother believes his soon-to-be daughter will grow up to be "just like her Mom."  I hope she does!  Lynette is amazing and Scott is lucky to have her!

John Standage!  He is so cute!
We are in the final stages of Youth Conference preparation.  Amy is going to go as a young adult counselor.  It will be a very fun time for all.   Jason and Scott will be here at home.  Scott is having some surgery and Jason will take care of him...Scott tells us he will have his bell ready!

Amy is finished teaching today!  She will have a little more time on her hands.  Hopefully she will fill it. I know one of the things that will fill her time will be more running - as we get closer to that marathon!

Jason received an award last night for having 4.0 this year.  He also received a trophy for having that grade point average all three years of Jr. High.  I know he can continue this pattern in high school if he puts his mind to it.  Jason is dedicated to practicing basketball everyday.  When he puts  his mind to something, Jason can accomplish anything.  A word of advice - if you have your boys in piano lessons and they want to quit, don't let them!  Jason is remembering his lessons of long ago, trying to teach himself to play a song or two.  I'm actually surprised at what he does remember and  have no doubt that he will learn these songs with some time and practice.  We only wish now that he stayed in piano lessons a little bit longer...

That's all for today.  I have great friends, neighbors and family!  I love life.  I enjoy good things everyday.  So many blessings, so many things to learn...
